Hello, you beautiful humans! It's been a while! It was a crazy, and absolutely beautiful, summer down in Tennessee with Totus Tuus + t...

Hello, you beautiful humans!

It's been a while! It was a crazy, and absolutely beautiful, summer down in Tennessee with Totus Tuus + the beginning of the school year has been absolutely insane--hence the sudden vanishing and abandonment of Unfading Beauty. But I'm back and better than ever!

So, I'm here to talk to you about something really cool that my dear friend Ellen told me about--it's called StitchFix. StitchFix is a service where you input your style preferences (you can even connect it to your Pinterest style board) and a personal stylist will select 5 items to send you! You then have the option to try on your choices and return whatever you do not like within the week (they even prepay your return shipping fee!). You pay a $20 stylist fee that can be applied towards any merchandise you purchase.

I got my second Fix today and have decided to blog it so you all can enjoy it too!

Dean Skinny Jean
designer: Just Black

 The first item I received in my box was the Dean Skinny Jean in purple, designed by Just Black. My stylist, Emily, commented that they were good for dressing up or wearing casually. They are a traditional ankle skinny jean with a zipper detail on the ankle. They fit really well and definitely were extremely comfortable.

Fit: 10/10
Price: $78; with stylist fee: $58

Sofia Hammered Square Collar Necklace
designer: Bancroft

 This is a really simple, yet beautiful statement necklace. It's not too heavy and it doesn't smell like cheap metal, which is really nice.

Fit: N/A
Price: $32; with stylist fee: $12

Columbus Pullover Knit Top
designer: Le Lis

The sweater was not very fitted, which was nice for layering. However, the lace detailing on the shoulders was a little itchy. I already have a very similar sweater as well. Emily the Stylist suggested that it would be very comfortable to study in the library (because that's a place I frequent...*sarcasm*).

Fit: 9/10
Price: $38; with stylist fee: $18

Lucio Henley Blouse
designer: Alice Blue

I really wanted to love this shirt. I really did. But I put it on and I immediately knew it was not my friend. Maybe it was the size of the shirt, but I don't think so. It was tight in the armpits and even when I unbuttoned the shirt to its 3rd button, the neckline was still way too high. It also didn't flatter my figure at all, and I kind of felt like one of those little Asian grandmas at the mall with the large floral shirts and the giant hats (at least, they're at my mall...)

Fit: 3/10
Price: $48; with stylist fee: $28

Gresham Split Back Knit Top
designer: Papermoon

So, this shirt. Let me tell you about this shirt. Looks like just an ordinary navy shirt right? WRONG. The back is a beautiful floral print with a split back. It's super cute and comfy and I really really like it a lot.

Fit: 10/10
Price: $48; with stylist fee: $28

Grand Total:

Subtotal for all 5 items: $244.00
          Buy 5 Discount*: -$61.00
          Styling Fee Credit: -$20.00
          Total: $163.00
*if you purchase all 5 items, you get a 25% discount.

I really enjoyed the pants and the Papermoon shirt. However, I'm particular about pant pricing since I do work for New York and Company and I get to use my employee discount there. So I won't be getting those. I also only ever wear my Jerusalem cross necklace, so I'm not buying the pretty necklace. However, the shirt captured my heart so I will be keeping it! Logically, even if I returned all the items, I would still pay my $20 styling fee. By purchasing the Papermoon shirt, I am only spending 8 additional dollars for a grand total of $28!

 I've included a referral link at the bottom of the post, so please feel free to use it and get yourself all pretty!


And now that you've all picked yourselves up from the floor where I'm sure you fell after that terrible pun of a title... I rece...

And now that you've all picked yourselves up from the floor where I'm sure you fell after that terrible pun of a title...

I received 2 VoxBoxes from Influenster recently--the Carefree and Campus boxes.  So I reviewed them for you all!

Video Review!

Today I wore blue and silver and drew a flower on my wrist. It's a columbine, my state flower. To everyone else, I imagine that seem...

Today I wore blue and silver and drew a flower on my wrist. It's a columbine, my state flower. To everyone else, I imagine that seemed insignificant; for me, it was my way of honoring the passing of the sixteenth anniversary of a day that will always haunt me: the Columbine High School shooting.

Sixteen years ago, the worst imaginable thing happened: two shooters entered Columbine High School and killed 13 people (12 students and 1 teacher) and wounded 24 more. I was five years old, and sadly, the Columbine shootings are one of my earliest memories and my first real encounter with the violence in the world. I remember the uninterrupted news coverage that my mom wouldn't let me watch, that I peeked glances at over her shoulder. I went to "cop camp" when I was a middle schooler because I wanted to be a police detective, and we listened to the 911 dispatch calls from April 20th,1999. I no longer wanted to be a cop. Growing up as a Colorado native, April 20th isn't a day that passes without me feeling extreme sorrow and empathy for the families of those who lost loved ones that day.

The memorial that has always affected me most
I always have wondered why the anniversary of Columbine upsets me so much every year. I wasn't there, I was too young, my family wasn't affected, and I've always felt guilty for being so sad every April 20th because I wasn't directly affected. But today, on the 16th anniversary, I think it makes a little more sense that my first knowledge of the violence in the world would still leave such an imprint on my heart.  I'm sad for the families of the 13 beautiful people who died that day, and I'm sad for the people who still lose their loved ones to violence in schools.  Colorado has experienced a lot of pain in my 21 years of life, starting with this day 16 years ago, through Platte Canyon, Aurora, and Arapahoe. I'm sad, because this never should have happened and should never happen again.

Today, one of my dear friends, Emily, wore a blue and white Colorado shirt with the verse "John 10:10". John 10:10 reads "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full". It's a verse of hope, a promise. There is darkness in this world, but there is also great light. It's a reminder that we can become the light and over come the tragedies of the world. And we will always be #ColoradoStrong.

To all the families who are mourning loved ones on this tragic day, my heart and prayers are with you.

Love abundantly,

Hello my friends! So I have some fun things to share with you! I was able to try (and have subsequently purchased) the Carmindy Game Cha...

Hello my friends!

So I have some fun things to share with you! I was able to try (and have subsequently purchased) the Carmindy Game Changer Foundation!  If you watched What Not To Wear as much as I did, you all know who Carmindy is; if you didn't, Carmindy is the amazing makeup artist on the show, who is probably the reason I'm obsessed with eyebrows.

Anyway, I tried the Game Changer Foundation in Ecru Beige. I was a little scared at first, since I was very attached to my TooFaced products and I didn't know how my skin would react to a foundation as opposed to a BB Cream.

The product goes on heavier than I'm used to and it was a little shocking at first, but after that initial shock, I fell absolutely in love. For me, it seemed like just a little goes a long way and leaves me with a perfect, even skin tone.

10/10--I would completely recommend this product. It's on the pricey end ($35), but it is 100% worth the money. Whereas a drug store brand can cause yellow-ish skin tone, flaking and fading, the Carmindy foundation stays all day and looks amazing!

Stay beautiful!

Love abundantly, 

"Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy.” --Thomas Merton

Hello, beauties! My name is Maria, and I am Juliana’s trusty athletic correspondent right here on Unfading Beauty! The phrase “opposites ...

Hello, beauties!
My name is Maria, and I am Juliana’s trusty athletic correspondent right here on Unfading Beauty! The phrase “opposites attract” is not wrong; Juliana and I could not be more different when it comes to having a passion for working out. Between the two of us, I’m the crazy runner girl, and the one who will never pass up the opportunity to take the stairs.
                God so lovingly gave you your body. It is your job to take the same care God did! So, I am here to provide a little help along the way. I will be periodically posting about my favorite exercises, workout gear, and the best foods for a healthy life. I am thrilled to be here along the way with you, Beauties!

                First up: workout gear! One of my favorite Bible passages says, “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and laughs at the days to come” (Proverbs 31:25). So, let’s take those Words a little further. Why not dress for the strength you’re about to prove when you head out for that run, or pull out your trusty yoga mat on a Sunday morning? Here is one of my favorite looks. (Clearly, I have my “I’m about to kill this run. Ha! I’ll show you who is boss!” face on.) I love everything bright and with a fun pattern, so these pants are perfect! If you aren’t used to working out or want to start and need a little merchandise motivation, check out Fabletics. The first outfit is only $25! These pants were part of my first purchase, and I use every excuse to wear them even outside of my workout time. 

Assignment 1: Get your beautiful self something to wear during this new endeavor of a healthy life. I promise it will make you feel stronger, and soon you’ll be laughing in the face of whatever fitness obstacles you are facing!

Stay beautiful!
xoxo, Maria

"Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us." Hebrews 12:1

About the Blogger: Maria is a brilliant biology major, with a love for carbs, an unhealthy addiction to working out, and a strange habit of meowing when she thinks I can't hear her.  She may turn into a rabbit with all the vegetables she eats and she loves elephants more than life itself (it's actually a little alarming.)

What does Unfading beauty mean to you? How do you have it?

What does Unfading beauty mean to you? How do you have it?

We often find our beauty by seeing it reflected back at us in someone else!  Write down a positive thing about a specific person who helped ...

We often find our beauty by seeing it reflected back at us in someone else! 
Write down a positive thing about a specific person who helped you see your own beauty and be grateful for them❤️

You are made up of so many different parts and each of you are beautifully unique. That's what makes us all so very special!  Write down...

You are made up of so many different parts and each of you are beautifully unique. That's what makes us all so very special! 

Write down 7 positive character traits that define you.

Hi pretty people! It's the first day for the week long "unfading beauty challenge"! I'm so excited and I hope you are too!...

Hi pretty people! It's the first day for the week long "unfading beauty challenge"! I'm so excited and I hope you are too!
The idea of the challenge is to spark an inner change, as well as start an outward movement!

So, day one challenge:
Write two  sticky notes that say "You are beautiful". Put one on your own mirror; put the other in a public place. Spread the message that everyone has unfading beauty. 

Remember to connect via social media using the #unfadingbeautychallenge!

My social media:
Twitter: sunshine_dazy
Insta: jambajuzi

I had a snow day yesterday! Hurrah! It actually ended up being a beautiful day and I called my friend, Steph, around noon and very obnoxio...

I had a snow day yesterday! Hurrah! It actually ended up being a beautiful day and I called my friend, Steph, around noon and very obnoxiously insisted that we go have a photoshoot in the snow! Armed with only an Iphone, filters and boredom, we embarked across the Mount campus to find the best places to take photos.

After a few adventures (like me insisting that climbing up a steep incline was a great idea--hint, it's not!), we ended up taking surprisingly good photos! The combination of snow + sun provided excellent lighting! 

Some of my favorites:

inner beauty challenge:
So for 7 days (starting Sunday, February 22) , I'm offering a challenge to all those reading this blog--I'm going to be posting a new challenge every day and I want you to let me know how it's going by connecting with me on social media and using the #unfadingbeautychallenge! I hope to see you all participating and letting your inner beauty shine!

Love abundantly,

"You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging." 
-Brené Brown

my social media:
instagram: jambajuzi
twitter: sunshine_dazy 

I get a lot of questions every day about my recommended beauty must haves, so I decided to make a list for you! Skin Care: Simple SkinCar...

I get a lot of questions every day about my recommended beauty must haves, so I decided to make a list for you!

Skin Care:
Simple SkinCare Moisturizer
Simple SkinCare Foaming Facial Cleanser OR Moisturizing Facial Cleanser
Simple SkinCare Makeup Wipes

Thoughts: I really like Simple because it's not harsh on skin and it's really effective at getting makeup off. A lot of chemically heavy skin care products cause me to break out or make my  skin tone uneven. Simple is gentle on skin and makes my skin 100% better than when I've used brands like Neutrogena.

Actually in love
TooFaced Tinted Beauty Balm //Snow Glow
Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion //Sin
Kat Von D Tattoo Liner //Trooper
TooFaced Brow Envy Brow Shaping & Defining Kit
Clinique Black Honey Lipstick
Besame Lipstick in Red Velvet
Urban Decay Naked 3 palette
Sephora Volumizing Mascara //Black

Thoughts: If the Kat Von D tattoo liner was the only thing left in this world, I could be happy. My eyeliner is sharp enough to cut down anyone who stands in my way #fierce.

Perfume & Lotion
Daisy by Marc Jacobs
Pink Chiffon from Bath and Body Works

Thoughts: Pink Chiffon is my go-to body spray and Daisy is my "nice" perfume. Much love.

TooFaced Teddy Bear Hair brush set
ELF concealer brush
ELF setting spray

Thoughts: We all know how I feel about the Beauty Blender. #happy

Love abundantly,

"Embrace the glorious mess that you are." -Elizabeth Gilbert

Super short post today, but I just want to take a minute to talk about my fabulous find. These are currently the new craze in the nail worl...

Super short post today, but I just want to take a minute to talk about my fabulous find.
These are currently the new craze in the nail world and they are called Jamberrys--or "Jams", according to Kay. They are vinyl nail wraps and are supposed to last for 2 weeks, according to the powers that be. I've used nail 'stickers' before--specifically the Formula X ASAP nail stickers--and they flaked and were just as unreliable as regular nail polish.  So I was really skeptical when Kay got me some for Christmas.

I'm legitimately in love. The wraps go on so easily and they are smooth and actually feel secure on my nail. I keep doing that thing that engaged people do where they hold out their hand so everyone can see the ring, except I'm doing it with my nails.

I really love the fact that I don't have to spend endless hours painting teeny snowflakes on my nails. Heck, I love the fact that I don't have to use paint at all. The Jamberry process is paint free, clean and so super easy. I think I might be hooked (I'm sorry, bank.)

(The nail wraps I'm wearing in the picture are called Let it Snow.)

Love abundantly,

"The smallest thing, when done for God, is priceless." -Theresa of Avila

I actually aspire to be a walking talking Pinterest pin. But unfortunately I am very broke.  Well, who said you can't look cute while...

I actually aspire to be a walking talking Pinterest pin. But unfortunately I am very broke. 
Well, who said you can't look cute while being a twenty-something college student? 

Popular trends in the Pinterest world include puffy vests, oversized sweaters, braided buns, boots, leggings...you name it, it's probably there.

So here's one of my favorite Pinterest styles!

The puffy vest
I have been wanting and wanting a puffy vest forever; my baby sis finally got me one for Christmas! Thanks Meemie!

Then I was faced with the dilemma of what to wear with my new acquisition! 
I've found that the best look with a puffy vest is something that is more form-fitting, long-sleeved and comfortable. 

Sweater: New York and Company
Jeggings: New York and Company
Vest: Old Navy
I also threw together a few more inspiration outfits together, just to show you the versatility of a black vest!

A big chunky necklace is a really good accessory choice here, as well as scarves or embellished sweaters, like the ones pictured above! 

Stay warm, my friends, and always seek the Sunshine! 

Love abundantly,

"Every day will not be good, but there is something good in every day."

beautyblender I was so hesitant to buy this product. I'd read amazing reviews about it but the cost ($19.95) was terrifying. Who pays...


I was so hesitant to buy this product. I'd read amazing reviews about it but the cost ($19.95) was terrifying. Who pays $19.95 for a sponge? The sponge itself was created and patented by the amazing Rea Ann Silva, a professional makeup artist and beauty expert. Essentially, she's living my dream life.

Anyway, I finally decided to go for it and buy this famed product after seeing positive review after positive review about it through Sephora, Pinterest, and other beauty bloggers.
The instructions on the beautyblender are to thoroughly wet the sponge, towel dry it and dip it into your foundation of choice.

Wow. Let me tell you--this sponge is wonderful. I barely use any of my BB cream and I look like I have even, beautiful skin. The stippling motion suggested by the beautyblender, coupled with its design, make it the best tool I've ever used for foundation application. I legitimately look like I photoshopped my face.

I'm not lying to you when I say I've been breaking out all week and I have not retouched this picture in any way!

This product is well worth the splurge and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a flawless foundation application!

Love abundantly,

I've been dying my hair since high school--the first time I dyed it, it was bright Ariel red. Then I covered that with black for my high...

I've been dying my hair since high school--the first time I dyed it, it was bright Ariel red. Then I covered that with black for my high school graduation. Eventually I settled on auburn and have been dying my hair with L'Oreal Preference 4R since I was a sophomore in college.

I love doing hair and makeup as a form of artistic expression. So, two days ago, I decided to make my hair my art form of the semester.
Sunshine yellow and cotton candy pink
 So, I took myself to my good friend Amazon and bought the three things I was going to need to go through with this adventure: two jars of Manic Panic semi-permanent hair dye and the Manic Panic FlashLightning kit.

I bought Sunshine Yellow and Cotton Candy Pink (which glows under UV light). My *glitzperation* for this hairstyle is the fabulous Kerrie Roberts and her ombre hair on her My Heart's Lifted album cover. I knew when I started that I didn't want my pink to be as bright as Kerrie's so I chose the paler color of CCP.

This was by far the most intense thing I've ever done to my hair and the moment I put the bleach into my hair, I knew there was no going back.

I honestly couldn't be happier with the way
my hair turned out. I especially have loved seeing people's faces as I walk by with my
sunshiney hair!

Remember, keep your face to the sun and you
will never see the shadows. (Thanks Helen

Love abundantly,

"But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings" ~Malachi 4:2

Welcome to my first *glitterpost*! Essentially a *glitterpost* contains a haul, a tutorial and some musings from your friendly coffee addict...

Welcome to my first *glitterpost*! Essentially a *glitterpost* contains a haul, a tutorial and some musings from your friendly coffee addict, moi! Enjoy!

So I don't receive gifts well but my sweet, beautiful mama gave me two amazing gifts! 

This is the color festival palette from Sephora: an infinite amount of eyeshadow, creme eyeliner, lipgloss and blush. My heart did little tail spins when I saw this gift!
This palette contains 72 eyeshadows, 18 eyeliners, 28 lipglosses, lipstains and blushes! I still can't believe it.

Momma also got me the Teddy Bear hair brush set from TooFaced. This makeup brush set is on the pricey side but is made of synthetic hair and is cruelty free. They're also the softest things I've ever touched.

Juju's fancy makeup tips for blue-eyed gals:
I feel like I should post a tutorial so here it is! 
1) After applying eyeshadow primer...dust the entire eyelid with pale pink or white. This will really make the pink pop!
2) Taking a bright pink shade... Apply to the entire eyelid!
3)Now take your chocolate brown...and contour on the outside corner of the eye, as shown in the photo above.
4) line with black liquid liner.

The pink in this look really makes the blue of your eyes pop so it's a really great, festive look for my blue-eyed girls out there!

Been reflecting on this quote lately: "You make beautiful things out of the dust." God makes us beautiful despite the broken pieces. It's a new year, a brand new start! The anxiety and sadness that I struggle with daily over stupid things like my appearance, my weight, my grades, my general togetherness, are things that have made me broken in the past; this 2015 I want to let some of that stuff go. I want to be happy and I want to let God make beauty with my life. It's time to let Him take control and give me His unfading beauty so I can spread glitter everywhere I go! ❤️

Love Abundantly,

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About Me

My Photo
20-something. Obsessed with makeup. Probably owns half of Sephora. Enjoys simple things like hugs and coffee in the mornings...and afternoons...and evenings. Amended: enjoys coffee all the time.