Hello, you beautiful humans! It's been a while! It was a crazy, and absolutely beautiful, summer down in Tennessee with Totus Tuus + t...

Got a Style Fix

Hello, you beautiful humans!

It's been a while! It was a crazy, and absolutely beautiful, summer down in Tennessee with Totus Tuus + the beginning of the school year has been absolutely insane--hence the sudden vanishing and abandonment of Unfading Beauty. But I'm back and better than ever!

So, I'm here to talk to you about something really cool that my dear friend Ellen told me about--it's called StitchFix. StitchFix is a service where you input your style preferences (you can even connect it to your Pinterest style board) and a personal stylist will select 5 items to send you! You then have the option to try on your choices and return whatever you do not like within the week (they even prepay your return shipping fee!). You pay a $20 stylist fee that can be applied towards any merchandise you purchase.

I got my second Fix today and have decided to blog it so you all can enjoy it too!

Dean Skinny Jean
designer: Just Black

 The first item I received in my box was the Dean Skinny Jean in purple, designed by Just Black. My stylist, Emily, commented that they were good for dressing up or wearing casually. They are a traditional ankle skinny jean with a zipper detail on the ankle. They fit really well and definitely were extremely comfortable.

Fit: 10/10
Price: $78; with stylist fee: $58

Sofia Hammered Square Collar Necklace
designer: Bancroft

 This is a really simple, yet beautiful statement necklace. It's not too heavy and it doesn't smell like cheap metal, which is really nice.

Fit: N/A
Price: $32; with stylist fee: $12

Columbus Pullover Knit Top
designer: Le Lis

The sweater was not very fitted, which was nice for layering. However, the lace detailing on the shoulders was a little itchy. I already have a very similar sweater as well. Emily the Stylist suggested that it would be very comfortable to study in the library (because that's a place I frequent...*sarcasm*).

Fit: 9/10
Price: $38; with stylist fee: $18

Lucio Henley Blouse
designer: Alice Blue

I really wanted to love this shirt. I really did. But I put it on and I immediately knew it was not my friend. Maybe it was the size of the shirt, but I don't think so. It was tight in the armpits and even when I unbuttoned the shirt to its 3rd button, the neckline was still way too high. It also didn't flatter my figure at all, and I kind of felt like one of those little Asian grandmas at the mall with the large floral shirts and the giant hats (at least, they're at my mall...)

Fit: 3/10
Price: $48; with stylist fee: $28

Gresham Split Back Knit Top
designer: Papermoon

So, this shirt. Let me tell you about this shirt. Looks like just an ordinary navy shirt right? WRONG. The back is a beautiful floral print with a split back. It's super cute and comfy and I really really like it a lot.

Fit: 10/10
Price: $48; with stylist fee: $28

Grand Total:

Subtotal for all 5 items: $244.00
          Buy 5 Discount*: -$61.00
          Styling Fee Credit: -$20.00
          Total: $163.00
*if you purchase all 5 items, you get a 25% discount.

I really enjoyed the pants and the Papermoon shirt. However, I'm particular about pant pricing since I do work for New York and Company and I get to use my employee discount there. So I won't be getting those. I also only ever wear my Jerusalem cross necklace, so I'm not buying the pretty necklace. However, the shirt captured my heart so I will be keeping it! Logically, even if I returned all the items, I would still pay my $20 styling fee. By purchasing the Papermoon shirt, I am only spending 8 additional dollars for a grand total of $28!

 I've included a referral link at the bottom of the post, so please feel free to use it and get yourself all pretty!


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20-something. Obsessed with makeup. Probably owns half of Sephora. Enjoys simple things like hugs and coffee in the mornings...and afternoons...and evenings. Amended: enjoys coffee all the time.